Gender Wheel educational tool

The Gender Wheel unlocks a new world
and beckons each of us to grow more fully into ourselves.

The Gender Wheel in motion

As a symbol, theory, and an approach, The Gender Wheel helps us understand our unique place in nature, decolonize our thinking, and develop a holistic planetary mindset.

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

The Gender Wheel gets its inspiration from ancient Mayan and Aztec calendrical wheels,
patterns of growth in nature and the infinite, nonlinear aspect of circles

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

The Gender Wheel reminds us that we must see
gender and bodies in a non-linear continuum, and not in isolation

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through slideshow)

The Gender Wheel is a place to find yourself, see your community
and know you belong in the circle.

Learn more about the Gender Wheel:
