The binary has no chance in Nature!
Xoc Shark helps us dive deeper into the NECESSITY AND VALUE of Nature’s patterns of body, gender, and relationship diversity!
Learn how to use this knowledge as a gateway to expand our minds, unravel biases, and interrupt bullying and oppression. Let’s Xoc the system together!
Dive deeper with Sharks:
There’s always so much to learn about the abundant body, gender, and relationship diversity found in nature.
Here’s just a sample sampling of sharks.
- Intersex Pacific Spadenose shark
- Bigeye Houndshark
- Epaulette shark parthenogenesis - besides the ability to reproduce asexually, these super cute sharks also can walk on land!
- Smoothhound shark “virgin birth” after 10 years in all-female tank
- Some shark species are capable of asexual reproduction