Alphabet Page – Lesson Plan & Demo


Through this project you get to share about your unique self through art and rhyme.

an attitude of playfulness


gender stereotypes

Watch the Video Series with Maya!

originally part of a Facebook Live event

Grab your alphabet activity page and follow along to create your own character. (also included in the lesson plan PDF)

VIDEO 1: Reading, Rhyme & Keeping Time!

In this first video join Maya for a reading excerpt from They, She, He easy as ABC. Then engage in a writing demo and learn tips and tricks for creating your own rhymes in the style of the book. Find out how to keep the rhythm, do simple rhymes and play with alliteration.

VIDEO 2: Behind-the-Scenes – An Inside Look!

In this second video join Maya for a look at the inspiration for the book art including how it’s connected to our other book They She He Me: Free to Be! You’ll get to see some of the sketches and character development and more about the art materials she used for the book.

VIDEO 3: Drawing Like Me is easy as ABC!

In this third video join Maya for a demonstration on how to draw the characters in the book and how to use ink to get your character ready to then take into watercolor in the final video of the series.

VIDEO 4: The Dance of Color! Bringing Color to Trans Visibility in Children’s Books

In this fourth and final video of the series, filmed on Trans Day of Visibility AND Cesar Chavez Day, join Maya as she talks about why it’s so important to not only include but give center stage to our kids of color in children’s books and learn how to use watercolors to bring characters to life!

Coloring Pages

Practice Pronouns with the Pronoun Kids!

(click on image to download)

They, She, He easy as ABC coloring page - Ebony
Coloring Page for Playing with Pronouns - Kevyn - The Gender Wheel Curriculum
They, She, He easy as ABC coloring page - Fawn
Coloring Page for Playing with Pronouns - Xochi - The Gender Wheel Curriculum