Reclaiming what's been suppressed, Addressing the impact, Healing and transforming.
All of these areas are explored in-depth in our Facilitated Workshops as well as our Decolonizing Gender with Nature On Demand Series
GROUND the Truth of Nature
“The animal world—right now, here on Earth—is brimming with countless gender variations and shimmering sexual possibilities: entire lizard species that consist only of females who reproduce by virgin birth and also have sex with each other; or the multigendered society of the Ruff, with four distinct categories of male birds, some of whom court and mate with one another; or female Spotted Hyenas and Bears who copulate and give birth through their ‘penile’ clitorides, and male Greater Rheas who possess ‘vaginal’ phalluses (like females of their species) and raise young in two-father families; or the vibrant transsexualities of coral reef fish, and the dazzling intersexualities of gynandromorphs and chimeras. In their quest for ‘post-modern’ patterns of gender and sexuality, human beings are simply catching up with the species that have preceded us in evolving sexual and gender diversity—and the aboriginal cultures that have recognized this.”
- Bruce Bagemihl, Biological Exuberance/Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
EXPLORE MORE ABOUT NATURE: View our Nature Resources
EXPAND Multicultural and Indigenous Awareness
“In ancient China, the shih-niang wore a combination of female, male, and religious garb. In Okinawa, some shamans took part in an ancient male-to-female ceremony known as winagu nati, which means, “becoming female.” And trans shamans were still reported practicing in the Vietnamese countryside in the mid-1970s. Female-to-male priests also exist—and most importantly even co-exist with male to female shamans. Among the Lugbara in Africa, for example, male-to-females are called okule and female-to-males are named agule. The Zulu initiated both male-to-female and female-to-male isangoma. While male-to-female shamans have been part of the traditional life of the Chukchee, Kamchadal, Koryak, and Inuit—all Native peoples of the Arctic Basin—Inuit female-to-males serve White Whale Woman, who was believed to have been transformed into a man or a woman-man. And female-to-male expression is part of rituals and popular festivals with deep matrilineal roots in every corner of the world-including societies on the European continent.”
- Leslie Feinberg, Transgender Warriors/Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman
NURTURE Inclusive History
“Documentation clearly shows that we have always existed, even amongst the Puritans, and invisibility is relative to the time. Who is able to see us and how they frame us, dictates our ability to be seen by the larger society and how. Many queer/trans/intersex people and experiences were known in their lifetime, but attempts are often made to wash off any hint of queerness through the documentation process or the passage of time. There were also many queer/trans/intersex people who found it necessary to remain hidden and/or underground during their day for reasons of safety, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t known by at least some or someone. America’s history is layered and to hone a queer eye it must be looked at from multiple angles to understand. To better understand our history we must also bring in the shifting perspectives regarding gender and sexuality. Lines that separate transgender from homosexual experience were not as firmly defined in the past as they seem to be today. Some, especially privileged, effeminate men and masculine women could adhere to enough overall social standards of gender stereotypes to remain public. Often accused of being the ‘opposite sex,’ they still moved through society semi-openly. Lines of affection were also drawn differently in some periods, specifically the concept of romantic friendship in the 1800s, which often held in it queer/trans/intersex experience.”
- Maya Gonzalez, Decolonizing Gender with Nature On Demand series - Supplemental Video
DIVEST in opposite and binary thinking
The patriarchy is by its very nature and necessity, predicated on division and not just any kind of division, but binary division in particular.“Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another. It is the contrast between two mutually exclusive terms, such as on and off, up and down, left and right. Binary opposition is an important concept of structuralism, which sees such distinctions as fundamental to all language and thought. In structuralism, a binary opposition is seen as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, culture, and language.” “Typically, one of the two opposites assumes a role of dominance over the other. The categorization of binary oppositions is “often value-laden and ethnocentric”, with an illusory order and superficial meaning. Furthermore, Pieter Fourie discovered that binary oppositions have a deeper or second level of binaries that help to reinforce meaning. As an example, the concepts hero and villain involve secondary binaries: good/bad, handsome/ugly, liked/disliked, and so on.”– WikipediaWhen we place the cultural shift into perspective From matrilineal to patrilineal, From communal to individualistic, From indigenous to Western, we can see a pattern of power-over and can imagine the imperative for binary thinking to develop and become firmed. Eventually this extends into every area of experience, through its relation to gender and sexuality, as well as race and ethnicity. This is the foundation of Western thinking. Individualistic. Patrilineal. Eurocentric. Dominating. And it’s deep.
- Maya Gonzalez, Decolonizing Gender with Nature On Demand Series
ENGAGE new ways of speaking
LANGUAGE is one of the most effective and immediate ways everybody can create change. By establishing inclusive ways to speak, it moves us toward greater equity and respect between all genders and helps establish safe spaces for children free of the pressure of expectations.
- Maya Gonzalez, What Are We Really Saying to our Kids? Online Course
EXPLORE MORE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE: View the Language Use & Gender free online course and The Pronoun Protocol
REMEMBER who has been erased
FREE your mind to holistic thinking
USE Pronoun Power
LIBERATE from Systemic Oppression
LEARN about the Gender Wheel
Explore a nature-based, decolonized, & holistic approach to gender...